소프트웨어 매니저


2021.04.30 18:30

jullee 조회 수:65


Adjustments to the Ubuntu package base for HamoniKR Linux These adjustments modify some unwanted behaviors of the Ubuntu package base and are specific to this base.

파이어폭스 설정, 시스템 부팅정보 등 gnome 환경을 하모니카 리눅스 사용에 필요한 환경으로 조정하는 패키지

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
39 asbru-cm jullee 2021.04.30 145
38 boot-select file jullee 2021.04.30 149
37 conky-toggle jullee 2021.04.30 118
36 convert-svg file jullee 2021.04.30 107
35 grub-theme-hamonikr-jin jullee 2021.04.30 109
34 hamonikr-activitywatch file jullee 2021.10.21 84
33 hamonikr-add-printer jullee 2021.05.20 82
32 hamonikr-artwork jullee 2021.04.30 102
31 hamonikr-avahi-service file jullee 2021.10.21 117
30 hamonikr-backgrounds jullee 2021.04.30 114
29 hamonikr-backgrounds-extra file jullee 2021.04.30 100
28 hamonikr-backgrounds-jin file jullee 2021.04.30 100
27 hamonikr-checksum jullee 2021.04.30 100
26 hamonikr-cli-tools jullee 2021.10.21 102
25 hamonikr-conky file jullee 2021.04.30 100
24 hamonikr-desktop-environment jullee 2021.04.30 95
23 hamonikr-drive file jullee 2021.04.30 112
22 hamonikr-ff file jullee 2021.04.30 94
21 hamonikr-fonts jullee 2021.04.30 110
20 hamonikr-games jullee 2021.04.30 103
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