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15 Weirdest, Coolest, and Funniest Tux Images

Tux, the world famous symbol of Linux, can be seen all throughout the interwebs. Some Linux enthusiasts are just crazy about this cute penguin that they posted images of Tux in all forms and sizes. So, it is only appropriate to give them proper credit by showing some of those images here.

Here's a collection of 15 weirdest, coolest, and funniest images of Tux. Enjoy!

1. Swarovski Crystal Beaded "Tux"

By: iso100

2. Computer case Tux

3. Nice Hair Tux!

4. Tux Origami

By: phauly

5. el penguino moustachio

By: bounder

6. Tux on a plane

7. Fat Chinese Tux

By: zopeuse

8. Tux Bath Gel

By: Tom 

9. Chocolate Tux

10. Tux Graffiti

By: sydolta

11. Big Tux with Red Hat

12. Tux likes bunnies!

By: punquin

13. Party Tux

14. Tiny Tux earing

By: Brero

15. Tux Bento

If you know a link or two to other weird, cute, or funny tux images, please do share it with us.
  • ?
    string 2016.05.04 17:49

    리눅스가 마스코트를 펭귄으로 선택한 것은 탁월한 선택이었던 것 같습니다. 아이디어 넘치는 재미있는 이미지들이 많네요.

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